Information on Personal Data Processing

Web Retail s.r.o. processes your personal data as it is necessary for fulfilling the contract with you regarding the sale of goods (or execution of measures taken before said contract has ended). Furthermore, Web Retail s.r.o. also processes your personal data in order to fulfill its public service obligations.


  • 1.1. The Controller of your personal data is Web Retail s.r.o., with the registered office at Husinecká 903/10, Prague 3, 130 00, Czech Republic, company identification No.: 28876431 incorporated in the Companies Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 150602 (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller“).
  • 1.2.Contact details of the Controller: address for service – Politických vězňů 1597/19, Prague 1, 110 00; email address –; telephone – +420 910 055 666.
  • 1.3. The Controller did not appoint a data protection officer.


  • 2.1.The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is necessary for:
    • fulfilling the contract between you and the Controller or for executing a measure by the Controller before the end of said contract as interpreted by art 6, para 1(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Natural Persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation“);
    • fulfilling legal duties relating to the Controller as interpreted by rt 6, para 1(c) of the Regulation, in particular fulfillment of duties imposed on the Controller by the generally binding legal regulations, in particular Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on Value Added Tax, as amended, Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on Income Taxes, as amended and Act No. 563/1991 Coll., on Accounting, as amended.


  • 3.1. Purpose of processing of your personal data is:
    • performance of contract between you and the Controller, including delivery of the goods and solving of rights from liability for damages, or execution of measure by the Controller before conclusion of such contract and further fulfillment of related public service obligations by the Controller – identification and contact data, in particular: name, surname, telephone No., e-mail address, invoice address and address for service.,
    • securing of technical functionality of websites and improvement of quality of provided services - session cookies, identification data,
    • carrying out of necessary analyses and measuring – usage level, number of visited sites, equipment, from which users come to the Controller’s websites, time spent on the websites, IP address,
    • sending of e-mail satisfaction questionnaire within the program called Verified by Customers, in which the Controller takes part, evaluation of feedback and analysis of market position of the Controller: e-mail address
    • accounting and tax purposes (e.g. for registration within the meaning of accounting and tax legislation) – identification and contact data,
    • fulfillment of other legal duties (e.g. arising from liability for damages etc.) - identification and contact data.
  • 3.2. The Controller does not carry out automated individual decision-making within the meaning of Article 22 of the Regulation.


  • 4.1. Your personal data shall be processes for the period of duration of effects of rights and duties from the contract and further for the period necessary for archiving purposes under applicable generally binding legal regulations, however not longer than for the period set by generally binding legal regulations; the same shall apply, if the contract is not concluded.


  • 5.1. Other recipients of your personal data will be shipping companies and other persons participating in delivery of the goods or payment implementation on the basis of a purchase agreement and persons securing for the Controller technical services relating to operation of e-shop, including operation of software and data storage:
    • transport companies and other persons participating in delivery of the goods or payment implementation on the basis of a purchase agreement (Česká pošta a.s., DHL express, General Logistics Systems, Federal Express Czech s.r.o., Frogman s.r.o., PayPal, Braintree, Skrill, GoPay...),
    • companies and business partners securing collection of data necessary for website operation, in particular analytic and statistical data, these are for example: s.r.o.,, inc., Google,, ...
    • or possibly other providers of processing software, services and applications, which however the company does not use at present.
  • 5.2.    Recipients of your personal data processed for the purposes of fulfillment of duties arising from legal regulations may be also tax authorities or other competent authorities in the cases when the generally binding legal regulations imposes so on the Controller.
  • 5.3. The Controller does not intend to transfer the purchaser’s personal data to the third country (to the country outside EU) or to international organization.


  • 6.1. Under conditions stipulated in the Regulation you shall have the right to require from the Controller access to your personal data, right to rectification or erasure of your personal data or possibly restriction of their processing, right to object to processing of your personal data and also right to portability of your personal data.
  • 6.2. If you assumed that processing of your personal data breached or breaches the Regulation, you shall have the right to ask the seller or processor for explanation or removal of such situation or possibly you shall have the right to file a complaint to supervisory authority.
  • 6.3. You shall not be obliged to provide your personal data. Providing of your personal data is necessary requirement for conclusion and performance of a contract and without providing
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Eva Fernandes
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+420 910 055 666
(Mon-Fri 9-17)
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